As we age, moving our bodies may look a little different than it used to. But prioritizing movement can make daily tasks easier and keep us independent for longer. The following articles feature tips on senior-friendly exercises and habits you can start right away!
Improve Seniors' Quality of Life With This In-Home Exercise Routine
The body – at any age – was designed to move in order to maintain itself, so exercise is vital to physical and mental health. In-home exercises for seniors can help with lack of motivation and get older adults moving from the comfort of their home.
Maintaining Strength and Manual Dexterity for Seniors
As a senior, you may have noticed your hands and fingers have lost some of their dexterity. Let’s explore some of the reasons why this happens and exercises to combat it.
As a Level Five participant in the esteemed “We Honor Veterans” program, Bethesda Hospice Care partnered with Caris Healthcare to offer a free presentation on Veterans Benefits comprising of a panel discussion led by Dr. Julie Strassman, Manager of Support Services at Bethesda Hospice Care, and VA social workers Meghan Leach and Jessica Atkocius. Watch the recording below!
Strength in Every Step: The Many Benefits of Walking for Seniors
You don’t need a trainer, a gym, or an expensive machine — your neighborhood, or a park and path will do. You can even take your dog! Walking is one of the best exercises to benefit one’s overall health, particularly for older adults.
Several top trainers and other people who exercise regularly were asked how they’ve kept going through the years and what advice they could offer others. Here are our tips!
Why You Should Add Balance Exercises to Your Workout
Implementing balance exercises into your routine can help restore balance issues. Even if you don’t have any problems now, why not begin an exercise program to help prevent them in the future?
The Bethesda team is always going the extra mile to provide the care that you or your loved ones deserve. Tell us what we’ve done well for you and how we can get even better!